Many people have contributed to this report. It would not have been possible to carry out this law reform project without the support and generosity I have received from a large number of people and organisations involved in the ever-expanding field of mental capacity law and practice. The multidisciplinary nature of this report is self-evident in the list of people set out in Appendix E, all of whom have willingly been interviewed or provided advice, resources and comments on various drafts of the report. I wish to thank them all for being so generous with their time and their knowledge.

I also acknowledge the people with impaired capacity, and their families, whom I have represented over the years and the valuable insights they have given related to the challenges they face in their lives.

I would like to thank the following people for hosting me as a visiting researcher while in England: Professor Genevra Richardson, Dickson Poon School of Law, Kings College of London; Senior Judge Denzil Lush, Court of Protection; Alex Ruck Keene, barrister, 39 Essex Street Chambers, London; and Dr Michael Dunn, Ethox Centre, University of Oxford.

In New Zealand, I would like to thank Professor John Dawson, Faculty of Law, University of Otago, for his advice and peer review of this report; Professor Ron Paterson and Justice Collins QC for supporting my fellowship application; Professor John McMillan and colleagues at the Bioethics Centre, University for Otago, for providing an academic base; Dr Greg Young, for our work together and making this a medico-legal project; Jessie Lenagh-Glue, for her able research assistance; Dr Royden Somerville QC and colleagues at Barristers Chambers, for their interest and support; Naomi O’Connor for editorial assistance; and my family, including the cover design by Emma Crampton.

Most of all, I would like to acknowledge the generous support of the New Zealand Law Foundation by awarding me the 2014 international research fellowship. Special thanks to Lynda Hagen and Dianne Gallagher for their practical advice and support.

Naku te rourou, nau te rourou, ka ora ai te iwi.1
With your basket and my basket the people will flourish.

1Whakatauki (proverb) provided by Janine Kapa-Blair (Kāi Tahu, Kāti Māmoe, Waitaha) Associate Dean – Māori/Manutaki Tuarua - Māori, Otago Business School, University of Otago, sourced from M Mead and N Grove Ngā Pēpeha a ngā Tīpuna 2003 (Victoria University Press, Wellington).


  © 2019 Alison Douglass